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The Yuba-Sutter Cowbells Scholarship is available to students from the Yuba-Sutter county area that plan to attend a junior college or university. First consideration will be given to students majoring in the field of beef production, beef husbandry or a related agricultural field. If there is no qualifying applicant, students who are not actively seeking a major in these fields, but who have been active in agriculturally related school or community activities, will be considered. Each applicant must meet the following requirements to be eligible.

  1. Must be a full time student.
  2. Must be either a Yuba or Sutter county resident.
  3. Must have at least a 3.0 grade point average.
  4. Must be a citizen of the United States.
  5. Awardees must accept and use the scholarship in the upcoming school year for which they are awarded.

DEADLINE: Must have application postmarked by APRIL 15.