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- Help Paying For College
- Scholarship and Award Opportunities
- AHA Scholarship
- Alec Flores Memorial Scholarship
- Ann Reynolds Family Scholarship
- APSEA Scholarship Foundation
- Back the Badge Scholarship
- California Capital Airshow Scholarship
- Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California
- Cathy Lynn Greenwell Scholarship
- Crowhurst Memorial
- Early Risers Kiwanis Club of YC
- Eric Pomeroy Memorial Scholarship
- Gold Country Street Rods Scholarship Committee
- IAPW Scholarship
- John & Freda Monnot Scholarship Fund
- Mary M. Aaron Memorial Trust
- Michael Matteoli Memorial Scholarship
- Paulsen Family Scholarship
- Pheasants Forever Scholarship
- Portuguese PHCS scholarship
- Rotary Memorial Scholastic Foundation, Inc.
- Sacramento Region Scholarships
- Sib & Margaret Fedora Scholarship
- Sutter Buttes 4-H Scholarship
- Sutter Buttes Garden Club Scholarship
- SYAOR Scholarship
- Tri Counties Bank Scholarship Program
- Tyler Haymore Memorial Scholarship
- Yuba City Cogeneration Scholarship
- Yuba Sutter Bar Association Scholarship
- Yuba-Sutter Cowbells Scholarship
- Scholarship and Award Opportunities
- Mental Health Services
Tyler Haymore Memorial Scholarship
The Tyler Haymore Memorial Scholarship Foundation began in 2018 through the generous donations of family, friends, and community members in honor of Tyler Haymore’s life and legacy. Our goal is to help others fulfill their dreams while honoring and remembering Tyler Haymore.
Each year, we select three (3) recipients for the Tyler Haymore Memorial Scholarship.
First Scholarship Winner = $5,000
Second Scholarship Winner = $3,000
Third Scholarship Winner = $2,000