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The Sutter Buttes 4-H Scholarship is intended to honor high school seniors whose 4-H experience has not only made a significant impact on their lives, but also has benefited the 4-H program, particularly Sutter Buttes 4-H, and/or the community.  Therefore the following criteria apply:

  • Minimum of 2 years membership in the Sutter Buttes 4-H Club.

  • Active participation in 4-H events and activities during their membership in particular participation and contribution to the Sutter Buttes 4-H Club.

  • Demonstrated leadership and citizenship in the 4-H program and the community.

The 2025 Sutter Buttes 4-H Scholarship will be awarded as First Place - $750, Second Place - $500 and Third Place $300.  Receiving the award is contingent on supplying proof of enrollment at an accredited school, college or university.


Submit the Sutter Buttes 4-H application with all the additional materials to Gina Burke Tarke via

e-mail at


Applications and additional materials must

be received by 6:30pm on

Tuesday, April 8, 2025.